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The Vegetarian Epicure

by Anna Thomas

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Recommended by

Sarah Beattie

Food writer

For a food writer who has been vegetarian for four decades this year, there aren't many meat-free books on this list. This is the second. First published in 1972, I got my copy in '79. I don't use it any more but it WAS influential. All vegetarian books I'd read up 'til then seemed to divorce meat-free cooking from its roots, feeling a need to reinvent eating. Anna Thomas didn't. Her heritage sang through. I felt a kindred spirit.

Saasha Celestial-One

Founder, Olio food sharing app

I have been a vegetarian from birth, so this classic has been plucked off my shelf and used plenty of times. Many of my favourite veggie comfort dishes have sprung to life from the pages of this book, particularly the Spinach Lasagne recipe. It is also full of charming illustrations which make leafing through it all that little bit more pleasurable.

Peter Reinhart

Baking instructor and author

Jamie Schler

Blogger, Lifeā€™s a Feast and Plated Stories