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From Veld to Fork

From Veld to Fork


from the publisher

If you’re one of the (many) people whose heart skips a beat when gazing at iconic pictures of the Karoo, or you find yourself longing for the lifestyle of a bygone, gentler time and place, Veld to Fork is sure to find the road straight to your soul. Showcasing the food of a timeless and achingly beautiful landscape, this cookbook is so much more than a mere book of recipes. Each photograph tells a story, whether it is of the delicious dish in question, the spectacular scenics, quaint towns or gritty but welcoming locals. Graaff-Reinet-based chef and guesthouse owner Gordon Wright combines tradition, culinary flair and the freshest of local ingredients to present 82 mouthwatering dishes for every occasion. Naturally an array of meat dishes take pride of place but they are equally matched by soups, side dishes and desserts that will leave you day-dreaming for more, days after you’ve enjoyed them. Not forgetting the preserves and baked goods for which the region is equally famed.

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