by Shereen Jog
from the publisher
Fifth-generation Tanzanian Shereen Jog shares her recipes for delicious soups, salads, main meals and desserts in this East Africaninspired cookbook. Bursting with the spices and flavours of East Africa and India, from where a large portion of the population originated, these recipes will inspire everyone to cook mouth-watering meals for their family and friends. The traditional East African favourites in this book have evolved over the years to account for the growth of the region and the various additional cultures that have been imbibed. East Africa has one of the worlds fastest-growing populations, and the new younger generation is worldly wise and thoroughly modern. Their exposure to global trends means that a new wave of locally enjoyed cuisine is gaining in popularity across the region. The recipe selection in this book is therefore as modern as it is traditional, as healthy as it is wholesome, as organic as it is contemporary and is influenced by the different cultures found in Tanzania as well as by Shereens travels around the world.
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