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Cooking with Herbs and Spices

Cooking with Herbs and Spices

by Craig Claiborne

from the publisher

Abounding with more than 400 tempting recipes, Cooking with Herbs & Spices has something to offer for every kind of meal and menu. The perfect representation of the culinary expertise of the late Craig Claiborne -- revered Food Editor at The New York Times from 1957 to 1986 -- this book will add variety and pizzazz to every meal you serve with such savory recipes as Roast Pork au Vin Blanc, Bacon and Onion Bread, Veal Pot Roast with Dill Gravy, Cinnamon Chocolate Pie, and many, many others.

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Features & Stories

Behind the Cookbook: The Sainsbury’s cookbook series

Behind the Cookbook: The Sainsbury’s cookbook series

In the 1970s and 1980s, Sainsbury’s published a groundbreaking series of cookbooks written by top authors. The books have become classics, and ckbk is working with the authors to make many of these much-loved titles available once more online.

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