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New York City Food: An Opinionated History and More Than 100 Legendary Recipes

New York City Food: An Opinionated History and More Than 100 Legendary Recipes


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Original Publisher
Stewart, Tabori & Chang
Date of publication

Recommended by

Fred Plotkin

Authority on Italian food and opera

Arthur Schwartz is a maven, a New York word of Jewish origin that suggests passionate expertise. He is a man of cultivated taste and strong opinions, which he applies successfully in his books on the food of Southern Italy as well as of his native New York. In this book he tracks down the origins of many dishes that his hometown made famous, provides the definitive recipe (he is one of the best recipe writers in the business) and debunks all of the myths and misconceptions that have attached themselves to New York City food lore. He delivers all of this information in his inimitable writer’s voice and gentle humor.