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Fire and Flavour: Nu's Food

Fire and Flavour: Nu's Food

by Nu Suandokmai

from the publisher

Fire and Flavour: Nu's Food serves up a truly authentic taste of a style of cooking - and daily life - that is fast disappearing, even in rural Thailand.

Author Nigel Hopkins and photographer Tony Lewis accompany star chef Nu Suandokmai on his annual pilgrimage to the family farm that inspires the wildly popular street-style Thai food he creates here in Australia.

Discover the traditional Thai cuisine Nu learned in his mother's kitchen - and make it yourself with delicious, simple recipes designed to be recreated by the home cook. From tasty snacks like sun-dried salty fish to luscious desserts like ice cream kati (coconut ice cream), these varied recipes include warming curries, cool seafood dishes and - of course - Nu's own take on the classic pad thai.

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Original Publisher
Wakefield Press
Date of publication