Culinary Herbs & Spices of the World

Culinary Herbs & Spices of the World

by Ben-Erik van Wyk

from the publisher

Culinary Herbs & Spices of the World is a reference guide to more than 120 different culinary herbs, spices and flavourings from all the well-known culinary traditions of the world. It is a scientifically accurate and richly illustrated review of the physical appearance, correct names, botany, geographical origin, history, cultivation, harvesting, culinary uses and flavour ingredients of more than 120 different herbs and associated species. A new perspective on the botanical and chemical principles of tastes and flavours is presented, making it an interesting and colourful contribution to the culinary exploration of the world. A fully illustrated, scientifically accurate guide to practically all commercial herbs and spices, with more than 600 colour photographs. Written in an easy style with notes on propagation, cultivation and culinary uses, the book will appeal to a wide readership, from gardeners and food enthusiasts to botanists and academics. Some exotic herbs and spices - especially from Africa and China - are introduced for the first time to European and American readers. The best-known use or signature dish for each herb or spice is given, highlighting hitherto poorly known culinary traditions. Introductory chapters include a concise overview of the main culinary traditions of the world and a fascinating glimpse into the chemistry of taste and flavour. Includes a quick guide and checklist to the culinary herbs and spices of the world.

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