Sarah Ballantyne

Sarah Ballantyne

Paleo chef
Sarah Ballantyne, PhD, earned her doctorate degree in medical biophysics at the age of 26. She spent the next four years doing research on innate immunity and inflammation before becoming a stay-at-home mom. After her second daughter was born, she began to experiment with the Paleo lifestyle. It had an amazing effect on her health. Over time, she healed herself of a long laundry list of physical complaints, including irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, and the autoimmune disorder Lichen Planus, an inflammatory skin condition. Inspired by her success, Dr. Ballantyne created the popular health blog and became co-host of a top-rated podcast, The Paleo View. Her passion for providing straightforward explanations of the science behind her diet and lifestyle recommendations for managing autoimmune disease, plus her love of food and cooking, form the foundations of The Paleo Approach.

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