Dried Apricot Chutney

Preparation info
  • Makes

    9 to 10 pint

    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Joyce Goldstein

Published 1992

  • About

I like this with Afghani lamb sausage or curries, but there’s no reason it wouldn’t make a lamb chop or leg of lamb or even a simple roast chicken happy. It’s also perfect for cream cheese and chutney sandwiches.


  • 4 pounds dried apricots, soaked in hot water to cover until soft
  • 8 jalapeño peppers
  • ½



Drain the apricots and pulse in a food processor to chop. Transfer to a deep stainless steel or enameled cast-iron saucepan. Purée the jalapeños with the water in a food processor and add to the pan with the apricots. Add all the remaining ingredients, bring to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer until the apricots become puréed. Taste and adjust the sweet/sour/salt ratio. P