Cajun-Style Chicken

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      26 hr

Appears in
Stéphane Reynaud's Barbecue

By Stéphane Reynaud

Published 2012

  • About

With a banjo player


  • 1 beautiful free-range chicken
  • 1 small soft cheese (such as Boursin or cream cheese flavoured with herbs and garlic)


For the marinade, peel and slice the garlic. Combine with the piment d’Espelette, herbes de Provençe, paprika, olive oil and lemon juice, season.

Combine the Boursin cheese with 2 spoonfuls of this marinade and place inside the chicken. Massage the chicken with the rest of the marinade, rubbing it in well. Keep in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Cook the chicken over gentle heat,