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Ricotta with Blood Orange, Pistachio, and Honey

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Appears in
Cheese Obsession

By Georgeanne Brennan

Published 2013

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My husband and I tend almost fifty blood orange trees, and pistachio trees grow nearby. In the winter we host beehives on our orchard, and the beekeeper pays us in honey. So when I make my own ricotta, this is truly a local dessert. You can vary the fruit with the season.


  • 2 blood oranges
  • ½ cup (4 oz/125 g)


Using a sharp knife, cut a slice off the top and bottom of 1 blood orange, exposing the flesh. Stand the fruit upright and, following the contour of the fruit, cut down to remove the peel and pith in wide strips. Repeat with the second blood orange. You can segment the fruit or slice it. To segment the fruit, hold it over a bowl in one hand and with the other hand, cut along both sides of each

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