Grated Courgettes with Cream and Basil

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Appears in
Classic Bull

By Stephen Bull

Published 2001

  • About

This is so good you could almost eat it on its own. Use it with fish or chicken, cooked without any really strong flavours. Squeeze those courgettes really hard!


  • 4–6 courgettes (about 450g), preferably with dark green skins
  • 25 g butter
  • 4 tbsp <


Wash, dry, top and tail the courgettes and grate coarsely into a bowl. Take up handfuls and squeeze hard over the sink to expel as much moisture as possible. Repeat until you have dealt with them all.

In a large saucepan melt the butter with the cream and over moderate heat reduce by half. Stir in the courgettes and the basil and cook, stirring two or three times, for 2 minutes. Season