Unmoulded Mango Soufflé, Brunoise of Fruit

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Classic Bull

By Stephen Bull

Published 2001

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This is rather a tricky dish, but if you have the bottle for it, it’s worth a try. The tricky part is the unmoulding: you need to make sure that the soufflé mixture has cooked through otherwise the top half might fall off when you turn it out.


  • 1 large ripe mango
  • 2 tsp lime juice
  • 2 tsp


Preheat the oven to 400°F/205°C/Gas6. Butter and sugar very well 6 dariole moulds or large ramekins, rims included, and refrigerate.

Peel the mango (easiest with a swivel-bladed peeler) and remove the flesh from around the stone, avoiding the fibrous centre as much as possible.