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Speculaas biscuits

Preparation info
  • Makes


    small speculaas using a 4 x 6 cm cutter, wooden mould or stamp
    • Difficulty


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Dark Rye and Honey Cake: Festival baking from the heart of the Low Countries

By Regula Ysewijn

Published 2023

  • About

Once butter came into the mix and sugar replaced honey, tough peperkoek and honey cakes like the couque de Dinant, Lebkuchen, printen and taai-taai got a new sibling in speculaas or speculatie (Spekulatius in German). The origin of the name is unclear, but etymologists have two theories. One is that it comes from ‘speculum’, being Latin for mirror-image, because the finished printed koek is the mirror image of the carved mould, which o

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Robyn Restieaux
from New Zealand

My Dutch husband became all nostalgic as he munched on these - smacked his lips, approved of all those gorgeous, warm spices and reminisced about eating these with cups of coffee at his grandmother's house on Sundays in Amsterdam ❤️

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