Crowder Peas with Okra

Preparation info
  • 4

    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Dooky Chase Cookbook

By Leah Chase

Published 2023

  • About


  • 1 large ham hock
  • 2 qt. water
  • 4 cups fresh shelled crowder p


In a 5-quart pot place ham hock and the water. Let boil for 30 minutes. Add peas, onions, green peppers, thyme, and bay leaf. Lower heat and boil slowly for 20 minutes until peas are soft. In a skillet, heat bacon drippings. Cook sausage in drippings for about 3 to 4 minutes; sprinkle flour over sausage and stir well, scraping bottom of skillet. Pour a little water in skillet to deglaze. Pour s