Fillet Steak Béarnaise

Preparation info
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    • Difficulty


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By Damien Pignolet

Published 2005

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Bistro Moncur would not be a bistro without this dish! There are few more satisfying dishes in French cuisine.

At home, the sauce can be made in advance, leaving only the pan-frying of the steaks to be done. Serve with shoestring chips or Potato Gratin.


  • 6 x 200 g fillet steaks
  • 4 tablespoons clarified butter or olive oil for pan-frying


  1. Tie each steak securely with a length of kitchen twine to help the fillet keep its shape and cook evenly. Season only one side of each steak.
  2. It is vital to cook fillet steaks over a brisk heat - I suggest using 2 frying pans for the best results. Heat the pans, adding 2 tablespoons of clarified butter or oil to each and, when it is near-smoking, add the steaks