Figs with Raspberries, Armagnac & Champagne

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By Damien Pignolet

Published 2005

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Here is a simple but luxurious dessert for that all-too-brief time of year when the last of the raspberries overlaps with the new season’s figs. Armagnac marries beautifully with the figs, and the acidity of the champagne adds a fresh finish.


  • 9 large black figs or 12 smaller ones
  • 2-3 tablespoons Armagnac<


  1. Cut large figs into quarters, or smaller ones into halves, and divide between 6 deep plates. Sprinkle the Armagnac over the figs.
  2. Taste a raspberry: if they are too tart, transfer to a wide plate or dish and sieve a little icing sugar over them. Leave for 5-10 minutes then distribute them over the figs.
  3. Serve the dessert, pouring the champagne over ea