Black toast, boiled egg & black tea

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Good Table: Adventures In and Around My Kitchen

By Valentine Warner

Published 2013

  • About

I wasn’t a sickly child, but if I ever did suffer from an upset stomach, I was popped into bed and given the following. My arms were tucked by my sides so tightly under the blankets that it took quite a while to struggle them free and try to eat this cure that my parents swore by. I can’t remember if it really worked, but here you are.


  • 1 slice of white bread, for toast
  • 1 free-range egg
  • 1 average tea bag


Burn the toast to the point where you would normally scrape it with a knife, but don’t scrape it as the carbon is part of the medicine. This is essential. Totally hard-boil the egg. Brew the tea for far too long. Only the faintest amount of sugar is allowed. Put everything on a tray, take it to the invalid and remove, uneaten, 1 hour later.