L’Épaule d’Agneau Malzac

Lamb shoulder à la façon de Monsieur Malzac

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


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By Jeanne Strang

Published 1991

  • About

M. Malzac’s boucherie which is just behind the Place Nôtre Dame in Villefranche-de-Rouergue, has a wide variety of fresh meats, plats cuisinés and his own canned pâtés etc. It was his suggestion to prepare a shoulder of lamb in this way for a party of six, making the procedure of carving a ‘doddle’.


  • a shoulder of lamb, weighing 1.5 kg without the shank
  • ½ lemon


Ask your butcher to remove the shank from the shoulder and with his electric cutting machine, to make cuts crosswise through the shoulder blade from the lean side, almost but not quite right through to the other side so that the joint holds together. The incisions should be every 2 cm. After cooking you can then serve the slices like lamb chops.

One hour ahead of cooking, rub the fat si