Bogoli Pulao Salad: Persian Broad Bean Rice Salad With Sesame and Dill

Preparation info
  • As A Generous Side Dish for


    • Difficulty


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By Sally Butcher

Published 2014

  • About

Bogoli pulao is possibly my favourite among the classic rice (or pulao) dishes of Iran. In this version, it becomes a ridiculously moreish salad. Out of season, using frozen broad beans is just dandy: if you shop carefully you may even find them already shucked.


  • 300 g/10½ oz/2 cups brown basmati rice (using cooked leftover rice is an option of course)


Easy peasy. Rinse then soak the rice for around 30 minutes (brown basmati is just that little bit more resistant to cooking than white). Drain, then add butter and salt, and cook according to your preferred method. Stir the dill through it, then drizzle with the saffron and allow to cool.

Next, blanch the broad beans in boiling salted water (3–4 minutes should do). Drain and again allow