Polenta Soup

Soupe à la Farine de Blé de Turquie

Preparation info
  • 6

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Savoie: The Land, People, and Food of the French Alps

By Madeleine Kamman

Published 1989

  • About

For more details on the importance of cornmeal in Savoie food see the chapter on Exotic Grains. This was a great favorite in both my restaurants. If yellow tomatoes are not available in your area, use twice as many red ones.


  • ½ cup butter
  • 3 onions, very finely chopped
  • 4 cloves garli


In a large saucepan, heat half the butter to the noisette stage. Add the onions and half the garlic. Cook slowly until very mellow and compote-like.

Meanwhile sauté the zucchini and the other half of the garlic in the remaining butter on high heat so both take on a brown color; add the red and yellow tomatoes, toss well, cook another 15 minutes, then remove from the heat.

Mix th