Baby Leg of Lamb Chamois Style

Petits Gigots en Chamois

Preparation info
  • 8

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Savoie: The Land, People, and Food of the French Alps

By Madeleine Kamman

Published 1989

  • About

Use two little legs and cook them in one of those huge brown earthenware baking dishes. For the spirit, use marc or any good American whiskey, since Savoie marc varies widely. Jack Daniels would be a bit too dominant, though.


  • 1 bottle light red wine (Mondeuse or young Côtes du Rhône)
  • 12 juniper berries, crushed


Mix the wine and all the aromatics and reduce to 2 cups. Add the port and spirit to the hot marinade. Cool completely.

Marinate the lamb in this mixture no more than 2 hours. Reduce the marinade again to obtain only ½ cup of thick and syrupy liquid; strain it. Pat each leg very dry, brush well with butter, and bake in a preheated