Compote of Small Birds with Juniper Cream

Compote de Petits Oiseaux à la Crème de Genièvre

Preparation info
  • 6

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Savoie: The Land, People, and Food of the French Alps

By Madeleine Kamman

Published 1989

  • About

I observed Madame Folliguet, wife of the then-postmaster of Les Praz de Chamonix, prepare this dish while I was chatting with her one late fall day of 1959; since she had a large family, she was cooking on the side the most enormous tub of polenta I ever have seen.


  • 6 partridges or pigeons, or
  • 12 large quail
  • 2 tablespoons butter


If you use partridges or pigeons, quarter them. If you use quail, leave the birds whole. In a large sauté pan, brown the birds or bird parts in the hot butter. Salt and pepper, add the chosen spirit and let it evaporate. Remove the birds to a plate.

To the pot add the onions, shallots, and juniper berries. Toss in the hot butter so the wet vegetables deglaze the pan well. Continue cooki