Hazelnut and Honey Ice Cream

Glace aux Alognes et au Miel

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Savoie: The Land, People, and Food of the French Alps

By Madeleine Kamman

Published 1989

  • About

If you use the large filberts, skip the garnish of toasted nuts or the custard will be too strong.


  • 5 cups scalding light cream
  • 2 cups wild hazelnuts, chopped and deeply toasted, or


Pour the cream into the blender container and add the nuts. Liquefy completely. Let stand at least 6 hours to allow the taste of the nut oil to permeate the cream.

Break the egg yolks into a sauté pan and reheat the hazelnut cream with the honey. Very gradually dilute the yolks with the cream mixture; add the salt. Cook over medium-high heat until the custard coats the spatula or wooden