Rose Hip Jelly

Confiture de Grata-Cu

Preparation info
  • 4

    baby food jars
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Savoie: The Land, People, and Food of the French Alps

By Madeleine Kamman

Published 1989

  • About

Come October, all the rosebushes that line the shores of the Annecy lake are full of hips that can be transformed into a wonderful jelly. Do not use pectin or the jelly becomes hard and does not spread properly. This recipe is for only a small Quantity since rose hips that have not been sprayed are not always easy to find.


  • pounds rose hips
  • cup water
  • 1 cup


Mix the rose hips, water, and vermouth. Bring to a boil and simmer until soft. Drain and puree in the blender, then pour into a bowl. Weigh the puree and add an equal amount of sugar. Bring to a boil and simmer until well reduced, approximately 45 minutes. Pour into sterilized baby food jars.