Chicken with Okra

Pollo kon Bamiya

Preparation info
  • Serves

    6 to 8

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Sephardic Flavors: Jewish Cooking of the Mediterranean

By Joyce Goldstein

Published 2000

  • About

Here is a dish found in Sephardic kitchens in both Greece and Turkey. The chicken is braised in tomato sauce to which okra is added and then they are simmered together. The seasoning is elementary: salt and pepper. If you like, you could add garlic or an herb for a bit more complexity. Serve with rice pilaf.


  • 2 pounds okra
  • ½ cup wine vinegar
  • olive oil for frying


Trim off the stems from the okra and soak the pods in water to cover to which the vinegar has been added. Let stand for 20 minutes to rid the okra of its slipperiness. Drain well.

Meanwhile, pour olive oil to a depth of ¼ inch into a heavy sauté pan large enough to hold the chicken and vegetabl