Bean and Swiss Chard Soup

Zuppa di Fagiolo e Biete

Preparation info
  • Makes about 5 cups 1.25 l ) ;


    first-course servings
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Soup: A Way of Life

By Barbara Kafka

Published 1998

  • About

Clearly this is an Italian soup. Biete is Swiss chard, usually green, although I have a fondness for the drama and beefy taste of the red-stemmed kind.


  • ½ pound (225 g) Swiss chard or kale, trimmed
  • 1 teaspoon


In a medium saucepan, cook the chard with ½ cup (125 ml) water and the salt over medium heat until tender. Drain the chard, reserving any liquid that remains. Coarsely chop the chard.

Very finely c