Quail breasts stuffed with shiitake mushrooms and water chestnuts deep-fried in beancurd skins with coriander yoghurt sauce

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By Christine Manfield

Published 1999

  • About

This is a spectacular and elegant way to present these small birds, and a dish we often feature on the Restaurant menu. Apart from the gorgeous flavour and texture of these pastries, people love them because they do not have any small bones that involve tedious fiddling.


  • 6 large quail
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 25 ml Chinese Sha


  1. Remove breasts from quail (to give you 12 pieces meat), then discard skin and butterfly meat open. Set aside. Remove meat from legs and mince, discarding skin. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan and sear quail mince briefly over moderately high heat, about 1 minute. Deglaze pan with rice wine, then remove meat from pan.
  2. Heat 2 teaspoons vegetable oil in pan and co