Pina colada mousse with spiced pineapple and coconut wafers

Preparation info
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By Christine Manfield

Published 1999

  • About

This dessert comes from the early summer menu at Paramount and epitomises the fresh flavours of that time of year, while also being a parody of the popular Caribbean cocktail. I admit it has quite a few components, but with the preparation undertaken in advance, it takes only seconds to serve.



  1. To make the coconut bavarois, bring milk and shredded coconut to a simmer over low heat. The slower the infusion, the better the flavour. Whisk egg yolks and castor sugar until pale and creamy, then slowly whisk in hot milk and coconut. Stand bowl over a saucepan of gently simmering water and cook over medium heat, whisking continuously, until custard coats back of a spo