Peach Sorbet

Preparation info
  • Yield

    9 cups

    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Emily Luchetti

Published 1993

  • About

The quality of this sorbet, as with all fruit sorbets, depends on the ripeness of the fruit. White peaches would be best, but any will do if well perfumed and right from the farmers’ market.


  • 16 ripe peaches ( pounds), pitted and sliced
  • 2 cups Sim


Purée the peach slices in a food processor. Strain the purée through a medium-holed sieve to eliminate any small pieces of skin. There should be 6 cups of peach purée.

Pour the peach purée into a large bowl and add the simple syrup, lemon juice, and salt.

Freeze according to ice cream m