Pickled Leeks

Mzhave Prasi

Preparation info
  • Makes

    1 Quart

    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Darra Goldstein

Published 1999

  • About

Georgians enjoy the tang of many vegetables, such as leeks, that are unfamiliar to Americans in pickled form. Aged in vinegar, leeks make a crisp and unusual pickle. For best results, use tiny leeks culled from the garden, preferably no larger than 1½ inches in diameter.


  • 1 pound small leeks
  • 1 stalk celery, coarsely chopped
  • 1 large carrot, peeled and


Rinse the leeks well to remove any grit, trim the root ends and tops, and place in a large bowl. Pour boiling water over the leeks and let stand for 1 minute. Drain and rinse well with cold water.

Pack the leeks upright into a tall, sterile quart jar along with the celery, carrot, hot peppers, garlic, bay leaf, and salt.

Pour the vinegar over the vegetables, making sure they are