Fettuccine with Walnuts

Preparation info
  • Serve

    4 to 6

    unless otherwise stated.
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Two Fat Ladies Obsessions

By Jennifer Paterson and Clarissa Dickson Wright

Published 1999

  • About

This is a rather curious dish, being sweetened with spice and sugar. It is eaten in central Italy on Christmas Eve. I don’t know if you fancy the idea of this dish, but it is certainly different and, of course, no cheese is served with it.


  • ½ cup cream
  • 3 cups fresh bread crumbs
  • ¼ cup


Pour the cream over the bread crumbs in a bowl, and add the sugar and cinnamon. Add the walnuts to the bowl, mixing well.

Cook the fettuccine in a big pan of boiling salted water, then drain and put a layer in a heated serving dish. On this spread a layer of the walnut and bread crumb mixture. Continue in alternate layers until all the fettuccine and walnut mixture are used up.