Ceviche of Salmon

Preparation info
  • Serve

    4 to 6

    unless otherwise stated.
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Two Fat Ladies Obsessions

By Jennifer Paterson and Clarissa Dickson Wright

Published 1999

  • About

The idea of ceviching fish, i.e. “cooking” it with lemon or lime juice, comes to us from the South American Cervishean tradition. It is a very succulent way of preparing fish, with, of course, no danger of overcooking. If you are worried about bugs, freeze your fish first.


  • 8 oz salmon fillet
  • 6 oz flounder fillet
  • 4 oz


Remove any skin and bones from the fish, then cut them into cubes. Put the cubes into a glass or ceramic dish and pour over the lime juice. Turn with a spoon to coat the fish, then cover and refrigerate for 3—4 hours, turning the fish over after 1½ hours.

Drain off the juice and combine some of it with the remaining ingredients to make a dressing. Pour the dressing over the fish and ref