Jerrine of Young Grouse

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Two Fat Ladies: Gastronomic Adventures (with Motorbike and Sidecar)

By Jennifer Paterson and Clarissa Dickson Wright

Published 1996

  • About

Grouse is always expensive, even when the season has settled down. I absolutelylove it, together with woodcock and snipe. I find these dark-meated gamebirds the most desirable. This is a way to make a brace of grouse into a truly great first course sufficient for 6-8 people.


  • 2 young grouse
  • softened butter
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • fat pork or unsmoked fat bacon for wrapping<


Butter and season the grouse, wrap in the slices of fat or bacon and sit in a small, snug roasting tin with a cup of water. Cover loosely with foil so that the birds will be as much poached (in the cooking sense) as roasted and no cooking juices are wasted. Cook in a preheated oven at 220°C/425°F/Gas 7 for