By Jill Norman
Published 2005
This fish stew comes from Catalonia and is thickened in the traditional way with a picada of toasted almonds, bread, garlic and parsley, which gives it a complex, rich flavour. I like to use two or three different fish and a few clams or mussels. Monkfish, cod, haddock, bream or sea bass are suitable, too.
First make the stock. Break the bones into manageable pieces and put everything into a large pan along with 1.5 litres of water. Bring to the boil and skim off any scum that rises to the surface. Simmer for 20–25 minutes. Strain and the stock is ready to use, or when cool it can be refrigerated or frozen.
To make the picada, fry the bread in the oil, remove it and lightly brown t