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Pot-roasted beef with mushrooms

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Appears in
Winter Food

By Jill Norman

Published 2005

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A pot-roasted joint looks grander than a stew, although the cooking process is very similar. Pot-roasting uses less liquid, so remember to turn the meat and baste it from time to time. The flavours of the three mushrooms give this dish a pleasantly earthy flavour.


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 kg top rump, trimmed of excess fat
  • 1 onion


Take a heavy pan with a tight-fitting lid, preferably one that is not too much bigger than the piece of meat and heat 1 tablespoon of oil in it. Brown the meat on all sides and then remove it. Sauté the onion and spices in the pan for a few minutes. Drain the ceps, reserving the liquid. Chop

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