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Food from My Heart: Cuisines of Mexico Remembered and Reimagined

By Zarela Martínez

Published 1992

  • About
These less-sweet cousins of our familiar yellow bananas reached the New World by the same path. They are a favorite starchy vegetable in all tropical regions and can be found in Latin American or Filipino markets. Mexicans use several kinds; the one I cook with is a large variety that is green when semiripe and later becomes nearly black all over and yielding to the touch. This is the stage when you should buy it—or if you can find only green ones, let them ripen to blackness over a few days.
Plantains, unlike bananas, take a little work to peel. The simplest thing is to cut off the ends with a sharp knife, then make a lengthwise cut through the skin from end to end. Work the skin free using your fingers and the knife tip; cut away any clinging tough fibers.

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