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By John Campbell

Published 2001

  • About
This is the agent responsible for the fermentation of the dough. The following recipes use fresh yeast as well as the yeast present in the fermenté, however it is a simple process. By adding the fermented dough, the bread takes on a whole new depth of flavour, with a slight sourness, and the amount of fresh yeast used can be kept to a minimum.
Fresh yeast must be kept in the refrigerator — 4°C/39°F is ideal. It must also be covered to prevent drying, but not too tightly as it is a living bacteria and needs air to breathe. You can substitute dried yeast for fresh, but use half the amount specified in the recipe. It will need to be reconstituted in some of the liquid in the bread recipe. The liquid should be just above blood temperature, no hotter.

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