To finely mince small bunches of herb leaves, which are then used to flavor cooked dishes or to garnish finished dishes.
Traditionally, some vegetables require special cuts or preparation because of their unusual shape or structure. Among those requiring special attention:
parsley haché
Watercress (cresson) requires that the leaves and approximately 5 centimeters (2 inches) of the stem be cut off.
Leeks (poireaux) must be well washed; to slice them, separate and flatten the leaves, stacking them to make a neat, even surface, and then slice into desired size or shape.
Lemons (citrons) can be decorated with ridges using a channel knife or canneleur. After fluting (cutting into ridges as in photo) the whole lemon, cut it crosswise into slices or half slices. Lemons (or any other citrus fruit) can also be cut into baskets or cut in half with a paring knife in such a way as to leave a zigzag edge known as dent de loup, or wolf’s tooth. Lemons cut in this manner are often used to decorate fried or poached fish.