Classically, a white stock is created when the principal elements (the bones) are placed in cold water, brought quickly to a boil, and immediately drained. This process of blanching eliminates excess blood and albumins so that a clearer, cleaner-tasting stock will result. The blanched bones are then combined with vegetables, a bouquet garni, and water. White stocks are made with either veal bones (fond de veau blanc or fond blanc or white veal stock), chicken bones (fond de volaille blanc or white chicken stock) or fish bones (fumet de poisson or fish stock). Carrots, onions, leeks, celery, and a bouquet garni are added to veal and chicken stocks; when making a fish fumet, the fish bones are not blanched nor are carrots and celery added as aromatic elements as they will add a defined flavor and color the stock slightly. In the contemporary kitchen, small chicken bones are often used to make a white stock without blanching.