Boiled and Steamed Potatoes

Appears in
The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Cuisine

By French Culinary Institute

Published 2021

  • About

Potatoes to be boiled or steamed should be 6 x 3 centimeters wide (2⅜ x 13/16 inches). The exceptions are pommes de terre en chemise, small whole potatoes boiled in their skins, and pommes fondants, which are cut into somewhat larger pieces.

Defining characteristics:
  • Boiled potatoes (pommes nature) are tournéed to the 6-x-3-centimeter (2⅜-x-13/16-inch) size.
  • English-style potatoes (pommes à l’anglaise) are simply boiled whole potatoes.
  • Parsley potatoes (pommes persillées) are boiled potatoes garnished with chopped parsley.
  • Steamed potatoes (pommes vapeur) are simply steamed potatoes.
  • Melted potatoes (pommes fondantes) are boiled in consommé (chicken or beef broth).