Sautéing or Grilling

Appears in
The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Cuisine

By French Culinary Institute

Published 2021

  • About

These methods are used only for the breast portion of the duck. In French, technically only the breast of the mullard duck can legitimately be called magret, and the breasts of other ducks should be called suprêmes, although in casual use the terms are sometimes applied interchangeably. Sautéing the breast offers the advantage of allowing the cook to quickly render the fat, leaving a crisp outer skin with juicy, moist pink breast meat. It also allows the thighs to be removed and separately braised to the correct level of doneness. The braising liquid is also useful, adding richness and savor to any sauce made to accompany the duck meat. Sautéed, grilled, or roasted duck breasts are sliced into aiguillettes (thin strips cut lengthwise from any poultry or game bird breast) for serving.