Appears in
The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Cuisine

By French Culinary Institute

Published 2021

  • About

This method is used for small and medium whole fish as well as breaded fillets, darnes and tronçons. A whole fish can also be quadrilléed on the grill, with the cooking finished in a preheated oven.

  1. Prepare the fish for cooking and pat dry.
  2. Clean, preheat, and oil a grill.
  3. Quadrillér the fish by placing it presentation side first on the hot grill at a 30-degree angle toward the right.
  4. After 1 to 2 minutes, slide a fork under the fish, taking care not to pierce it. Turn the fish at a 30-degree angle toward the left to finish the marking.
  5. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes, then turn the fish and repeat the quadrillage process on the remaining side.
  6. If desired or necessary, finish cooking in a preheated oven.
  7. To serve, lustrer the fish with clarified butter, if desired, and garnish with parsley sprigs and lemon slices or wedges.
  8. If serving a single serving whole fish, the head should be presented facing the left with the side that was first quadrilléed facing up.