Toasted forcemeat

Farce à Gratin

Appears in
The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Cuisine

By French Culinary Institute

Published 2021

  • About
  1. Finely dice (ciselé) the shallots and set them aside.
  2. Cut the pork fat into very small cubes.
  3. Place the pork cubes in a sautoir placed over medium–high heat. Sauté until all the fat has been rendered from the pork. Set aside the pan and the fat.
  4. Sear the chicken livers in the pork fat, browning but leaving the livers rare. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Set the livers aside.
  5. Add the shallots and thyme to the sauté pan.
  6. Add the cognac and flambé.
  7. Drain off all fat from the pan.
  8. Pass the livers, shallots, and thyme through a tamis into a clean bowl. Stir until very smooth.
  9. Cover with parchment paper until ready to use in a specific recipe.