Frozen Sabayon

Sabayon Glacé

Appears in
The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Cuisine

By French Culinary Institute

Published 2021

  • About

Some frozen soufflés are actually sabayons. French sabayons are based on the Italian zabaglione, which is a mixture of egg yolks, sugar, and Marsala wine beaten over heat to form a light emulsion. In the French version, the base may be prepared using dry white wine or wines with pronounced character such as Muscat Tokay, Riesling, gerwürtztraminer, sherry, Madeira, port, or champagne, or with liqueurs such as Grand Marnier. The finished sabayon sauce is combined with whipped cream before being frozen, usually in an ice cream mold, to serve as the filling for another preparation. It can also be used in coupes along with other ices or ice creams. Sabayon can be blended with whipped cream or Italian meringue, but this must be done very delicately or the mixture will deflate.