Appears in
Oxford Companion to Wine

By Jancis Robinson

Published 2006

  • About

English (not American) term generally used to describe red wines from the bordeaux region, or red bordeaux. Claret has also been used as a generic term for a vaguely identified class of red table wines supposedly drier, and possibly higher in tannins, than those wines sold as generic burgundy (although, in the history of Australian wine shows, it has been known for the same wine to win both claret and burgundy classes).


  1. Marquette, J., ‘La Vinification dans les domaines de l’archevêque de Bordeaux à la fin du Moyen Âge’, in A. Huetz de Lemps (ed.), Géographie historique des vignobles, i (Bordeaux, 1978).
  2. Pijassou, R., Un grand vignoble de qualité: le Médoc (Paris, 1980).