Temperature control is critical to safe food handling. Bacteria grow best in warm temperatures, that is, those between 10°C (50°F) and 43°C (110°F). In this temperature range, disease and germs flourish, and most bacteria, including those that spoil meat and vegetables and cause milk to go sour, grow best. Pathogenic bacteria find their nourishment in the 21°C – 52°C (70°F– 125°F) range. Since the normal temperature of the human body is 37°C (98.6°F), one can see how germs, if unchecked, can readily multiply in this environment. Temperatures of 77°C (170°F) or over will kill most non-spore-forming bacteria and all pathogenic organisms. Although low temperatures (0°C/32°F) will not kill bacteria, they will hamper or slow down growth so food can be preserved through refrigeration or freezing.