Guidelines for Preparation of Pâtés, Terrines, Ballottines, and Galantines

Appears in
The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Cuisine

By French Culinary Institute

Published 2021

  • About
There are five steps common to the preparation of pâtés, terrines, ballottines, and galantines:
  1. Boning (désossage): Completely trimming the meat of all bones.
  2. Marinating (marinade): Soaking the meat to be used for the forcemeat in alcohol and then seasoning it.
  3. Designing (façonnage): The shaping and molding of the filling, along with its placement in a lined mold.
  4. Cooking (cuisson): Baking in a bain-marie until the interior reaches a designated temperature on an instant-read thermometer.
  5. Preservation (conservation): Covering the filling with a layer of pork lard or gelatin.