French Omelet

Appears in
Professional Cooking

By Wayne Gisslen

Published 2014

  • About
Omelets may be described as sophisticated scrambled eggs. The first part of the technique is similar to that for making scrambled eggs. But the similarities end there, and the omelet emerges from the pan not as a shapeless pile of curds but an attractive oval with a light, delicate texture.
Two elements are necessary for making omelets:
  1. Moderately high heat. This seems like a contradiction to our basic principle of low-temperature egg cookery. But the omelet cooks so fast that its internal temperature never has time to get too high.
  2. A conditioned omelet pan. First, the pan must have sloping sides and be the right size so the omelet can be shaped properly. Second, it must be well seasoned or conditioned to avoid sticking.