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Celebration Cakes

Celebration Cakes


from the publisher

Add the personal touch to your cakes with edible fondant art. With Grace Steven’s easy-to-follow instructions you’ll soon find yourself creating amazing fondant decorations. Fondant cake decorating is usually an art form practiced only by a select few, but with Celebration Cakes you will learn how to model perfect flowers, animals and figures in no time, even if you’re a beginner. You will soon become a master of fillings, coverings and various other techniques. The step-by-step instructions include detailed photographs. The designs featured in Celebration Cakes can be mixed-and-matched to create a dazzling array of innovative cakes. Useful extras such as a conversion chart, supplier list and equipment list have been included. Grace Stevens has taken her love for baking beautiful cakes and compiled an easy-to-follow creative fondant adventure. Go on, give it a try!

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